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Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference

Since 2008, Tony Charters and Associates has organised and convened Ecotourism Australia’s annual Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference. Global Eco brings the world’s leading speakers on ecotourism, sustainability and responsible tourism.


It brings all the key players to the table – tourism operators, protected area managers, tourism organisations, indigenous bodies and researchers. Increasingly Global Eco is at the hub of partnerships between protected area managers and the tourism industry – across infrastructure and investment, quality, conservation and land management.

It facilitates exceptional business networking and has consistently created significant business benefits for delegates. With 26 years of experience under its belt, Ecotourism Australia’s members have been at the cutting edge of ecotourism development at a global level. Global Eco Asia Pacific is a business-to-business and business-to-government event focused on practical and applied ecotourism.

It is a clearing house of ideas, innovation and best practice. It uses keynote speakers to open up discussions across the key thematic areas and concurrent theme streams to develop these discussions. There are specialised masterclasses and workshops to enable delegates to get the very most out of their investment. Global Eco is content rich. It seeks the maximum interaction of delegates and it maximises opportunities for networking and technical tours.

To view the current conference go to